Media Library

So that you can advertise for us individually, you will find our corporate design, our logo and other images for download here.

Corporate Design

preferred fonts:




colors used:

light blue: HEX #3aa1b4 / Pantone 549 / RGB 58, 161, 180 / CMYK 86, 11, 0, 29

darker blue: HEX #2b5b65 / Pantone 7545 / RGB 43, 91, 101 / CMYK 57, 10, 0, 60

black: HEX #000000 / Pantone 419 / RGB 0, 0, 0 / CMYK NAN, NAN, NAN, 100

Beispiel hellblau
Beispiel dunkelblau


Product images

Social media posting

Promotional images