Excited about our idea?
Investment Possibilities
Secure exclusive benefits
In the past years crowdfunding has become a popular investment possibility that allows to help even with smallest contributions.
A preferably big group of people that is interested in the project is key to success. Investors are rewarded with special offers and gifts. We would be happy to create such a strong community for dogpaper with you.

Profit sharing through partnership
While crowdfunding and -investing rely heavily on public relations activities, a silent partnership provides a possibility to invest for those that want to stay out of spotlight.
As much as we love to publicly praise our supporters, we value their privacy just as much. Therefore this option is perfect for those, that want to stay on the sidelines.
Support programs like INVEST offer the possibility to gain up to 20% of your investment.

Be part of success
Crowdinvesting allows you to invest even the smallest sum and still be part of our progress.
While crowdfunding gains you special offers and gifts, a crowdinvestment will reward you with your hold shares and focuses on the company’s growth. If you literally want to be part of our mission, crowdinvesting is the right investment choice for you.

Every single contribution helps improving product and production
Having a vision like dogpaper also means to be willing to break taboos and dream of a better world. Therefore transparency and approachability are important to us – so if you can think of possibilities to improve our investment opportunities, feel free to mail us at info@dogpaper.de or contact us on social media.
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